Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Unnamed double zonal pelargonium


I bought Fantasia Salmon ( see photo) in the spring of 2008.
It spent the summer months planted directly in a flower bed facing south.
When night temperature started dropping, I lifted it, removed the soil with a soft water spray then let it soak in soapy water for about 30min.

Once cleaned and bug free, it was placed in a clay pot with in a soil less mix.
I feel safe doing this after overwintering a Raspberry Ripple last winter, upside down in a box.

Once a week, the pot is placed in a tub to soak for a few hours and fed once a month with a natural seaweed fertilizer.
The photo was taken on Christmas eve.
To me that makes it worth the extra care.

Since this is a keeper, I did research to find the name of this pelargonium. I found a photo of P. Fiat Supreme in Geraniums and Pelargoniums by
John Feltwell that looks exactly like mine. According to Feltwell the Fiats are only available from specialist nurseries. So if mine is really a Fiat, it was a lucky find. Most nurseries in my area sell pelargoniums as unnamed, which makes preserving varieties more difficult.

P.S: I accidentally dumped this lovely pelargonium in the compost pile.

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