Sunday, August 30, 2009

Mignon White Shade Dahlia

I added a close-up photo of this mignon dahlia in the bulb section. Started mine 3 years ago from seed from Johnsons Seeds. In the fall, after one frost, I lift the tubers, dust them with sulfur, let them dry a few days then store them in perforated veggy bags with peat moss. I divide them in spring just before planting.

The close-up can also be viewed in the Imagekind Gallery

Meebo me

New on Garden Image Meebo widget added to the registered members' area and here on the left. If you are unfamiliar with this gadget visit I'm still learning myself. It will also be added to the Garden Journal section of the site.
Let me know what you think.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Monday, August 24, 2009

Maiden Deep Lavender

Just added this Regal Pelargonium in the Geranium and Pelargonium section. The main photo on the site is different. This one will appear when you mouse over the image. I now have enough photos in this section for a calendar.

Building Websites with Joomla! 1.5

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Photo editors

Recently upgraded to Adobe Photoshop Elements 7. What finally convinced me was the new Photomerge/Scene Cleaner tool. As a garden photographer this new feature is invaluable.

Right now my Peacock Orchid bulbs are in bloom. You can find plenty of images of this exotic plant online but I wanted mine to stand out. It took three shots and the photomerge tool to create the image I now have in my Imagekind Gallery

Friday, August 14, 2009

Freestyle Arctic Red

Freestyle Arctic Red (see photo) finally bloomed.
Visit the Encyclopedia for the nearly full list of every pelargonium I have grown.

Friday, August 7, 2009

New web links

While trying to identify a daylily I received by mistake, I found the websites of a few hybridizers. The AHS database doesn't always include a photo with the descriptions of the hemerocallis. When you Google the name you end with lots of photos and not all of the same shade and guessing, which is right, is out of the question.

Next I searched for the hybridizers. Some sell their own daylilies online with photos and descriptions. Found a few that look close to mine but no exact match so far. For now a photo of the mystery daylily is in the Garden Journal section.

The links to the hybridizers websites are now in the Web links section

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Derby Bound


Derby Bound (see photo) is now featured in the Encyclopedia
Found mine at the  Réno Dépot in Gatineau, Québec
This Hemerocallis was introduced in 1967, some think of it as an antique.

Soon I will be start to move some of my plants indoors.
Updates for this will be added to the Garden Journal part of the site.

Stay tuned ;-)