Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Indian Chief


Indian Chief is one of my oldest irises.
One of the first passalong plant I received after I moved to my present home.
I never featured it before even though I love this iris colours.

The shades are often described as deep red for the falls.
As an artist, I see the falls as dark fuchsia.
The standards, moderate crimson.
The two go very well together.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Late Lilac

Iris Germanica

Nice soft coloured tall bearded iris.
Photo shows white beard tipped orange.
Late Lilac now featured on ArtistGarden.net

If you'd like to see photos of all the irises in the collection,
just click on the Irises link.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

ArtistGarden.net - Broad Petaled


Very easy to grow purple geranium.
Not invasive and hardy.
ArtistGarden.net - Broad Petaled