Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Nature: Pandas
The most popular photos in my Flickr album is those of the Panda bears. I received those postcards from Wuxi city, China. I included a link to the photographers site, a zoo photographer.
On December 7, a DVD with two PBS specials on Pandas will be released.
'Pandas of the Sleeping Dragon' and 'The Pandas Baby'.
A great gift idea.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Postcard from Belgium
One way for a photographer to be noticed is having their work printed on postcards.
Whenever I receive a postcard that includes the name of the photographer or a web site address, I check it out. For this card, the photographer is Kari Palsila
Nice web site, but no about page.
Sample Postcard page
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Postcard Swaps
I received the postcards from my first direct swap with a Postcrossing member in China.
The cards are lovely enough to be framed. The photos on two of the cards were taken by Jesse Cohen, Zoo Photographer. The photos were taken at the Smithsonian National Zoological Park
You can view all four cards in my Wild Life set on Flickr
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Postcard from Germany
I received a few postcards recently and posted most of them in my Flickr album
No postcards with a copyright notice are added. Most do not include the name of the photographer, which is sad because many of them are very good. I include my website address on my own. Anyone can have their photos printed on postcards. Just visit my postcard gallery for ideas.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Butzbach, Germany
This nice postcard with a garden and reed roof house was sent to me from Butzbach, Germany.
Many of my pelargoniums were bred in Germany. The most recent is Graziosa Cherry Picotee an interspecific hybrid from Dümmen
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Postcard from Taiwan
Received this For the Love of Nature postcard from a member in Taiwan. It is a close up view of a locust. As a gardener, I prefer these on photos and not in my garden. The photo is very clear and the focus perfect.
Kemi Finland
Received this Sunset postcard from Kemi, Finland. It shows a view of Kukkolankoski, between Sweden and Finland. A place popular for white whitewater rafting.
Lonely Planet Scandinavian Europe 8th Ed.: 8th edition
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Summer Garden, St Petersburg
Latest Postcard. The Summer Garden was founded in 1705 by order of Peter the Great. The sender also mentioned another called Tavrichesky Garden , both designed in the late 1700's.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Herne, Germany
Received this card from a fellow gardener. It gives us 8 impressions of Herne in North Rhine-Westphalia. This part of Europe is in hardiness zone 6b. Meaning it rarely gets colder than - 5 F (-20 C)
Member of Postcrossing
Saturday, September 18, 2010
I've sent a birthday card to a Postcrossing member in Japan. As a thank you she sent me this lovely card of the bamboo garden in the Hokoku-ji temple.
I'm learning about gardens around the world through postcards.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Sugar Hill, New Hampshire
Received this postcard today and I am delighted. In my Postcrossing profile, I've asked senders to mention a Botanical Garden in their area and Angela suggested I look up Tower Hill. Now I want to move there.
The view on the card is of Sugar Hill, New Hampshire. They have fields covered in Lupines. They even have a Lupine Festival. Now I have two reasons for wanting to visit this state.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Postcard from Taiwan
Received this lovely postcard showing a bay of Sun Moon Lake, Nantou, Taiwan. According to Wikipedia, this is the largest body of water in Taiwan. Plus the area has an interesting history. A place I would love to visit with a few cameras.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Delphinium Belladonna Bellamosum
Reference photo of hybrid Delphinium with description and sources.
in reference to: Joanne McKinnon Garden Photography - Perennials - Bellamosum (view on Google Sidewiki)Friday, August 27, 2010
Books We Need
Template of Bookstore has been changed. Links to other parts of the site is now included.
The template was created using Web Design Generator - Artisteer
The design of the store itself was done within
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
The blog is back
Home | Bulbs | Pelargoniums | Roses
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Angelique Tulip
Angelique is a double late fragrant tulip. It is the first to be added in the new Tulip Gallery A low resolution copy can be downloaded for personal use.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
winchester Cathedral English rose
You can also see traces of the parent "Mary Rose".
A photo of the stem showing the prickles will be added also.
Winchester Cathedral was my first English rose.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Julia Child floribunda
Julia Child is now in the new Rose Gallery There is now 7 roses in this gallery.
If you would like to read more on this beautiful floribunda, visit the Rose Collection
Friday, May 7, 2010
Photo Albums in Journal
The main page shows the Pelargonium Gallery. From the submenu you get the Rose Collection and Wildlife.
More photos are being prepared and will be added to the galleries soon.
Hare in between colours
The latest addition to the Wildlife Gallery. This photo is not published anywhere else. This Gallery will eventually replaced the Nature album in the Journal
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Pelargonium update
Also corrected a few page links. Testing is important. Error pages turns away visitors. The increase in traffic is well worth the time.
4 new roses will be added this year and I'm still waiting for the new geraniums.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Rose collection update
The same will be done later today with the Pelargonium collection
Three more roses were added in the new Rose Gallery
Adelaide Hoodless update
Parkland Rose
The photo for the Adelaide Hoodless has been changed.
It is also the first photo in the new Rose Gallery.
In the Gallery, I will be able to add more than one photo per rose.
Some will include leaves, stems and whole plant.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Elegance Purple Majesty
Elegance Purple Majesty pelargonium domesticum is now in the Encyclopedia.
The name was corrected.
Light Stalking Photography Blog
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Updated pelargonums collection
There is only 4 pelargonums for now. The complete collection will be transferred to this section with time and new ones will be added. The homepage will remain the same. Once the transfer is complete, the Geranium and Pelargonum menu link will be redirected to the new pages.
I will continue to offer prints with Imagekind and Zazzle. The new Gallery includes licensed downloads.
According to Google Analytics these new pages are more bot friendly.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Hare in field
New wild life notecard. For personal and commercial downloads visit the Wild Life gallery
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Search Archive
We can also add meta tags and Google analytic codes.
For now I'm using a ready made theme, but that may change. There is only 5 images for the moment. More will be uploaded daily. You can take a look at what I've done so far by visiting the Home page
I found lots of features that I like, for example the Self Fulfillment option, which allows me to choose my own print lab, like PhotoPopArt They also include TinEye, a reverse image search engine, plus a lot more.
I will start with the basic, try out all of the features and compare with my other galleries. It's a lot more flexible than other services that I tried. Plus I can include a license. Something I couldn't do with any of the other galleries.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Nik Software
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Dark Red Blizzard
Now on notecards. I am updating the Pelargonium Collection pages. The new index will have thumbnails like the Rose Collection
I repotted the fisblizdark yesterday and started new plants from cuttings. They will spend the summer outside in a hanging pot.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Blue Blizzard on canvas
Blue Blizzard by Joanne McKinnon
Fisrain, sold as Blue Blizzard, was introduced in 1988. It is now included in the Pelargonium Gallery
The Pelargonium Collection is being updated. I'll keep you posted.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Curious Turkeys
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Mme Hardy Print
Mme Hardy is a beautiful white damask introduced in the Luxembourg Garden, Paris, by Alexander Hardy, in 1832.
This classic rose is a true work of art.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
MacKenzie King Estate
I visited this garden in 2008. The flower beds in this section were nice, but not the kind of place I would go back to see the gardens. Though I wouldn't mind being the head gardener.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Day in spring
Received this lovely card from Cologne, Germany yesterday. According to the sender, this is a great place to visit. After reading about Cologne, in Wikipedia, I have to agree.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Magnolias in 2008
In 2008 the Magnolias at the Ottawa Arboretum, next to the Experimental farm, bloomed in late April. You can find them near the side that borders Dow's lake.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Wisteria arbour
Soon I will start visiting the Ottawa Experimental farm. I never had the pleasure of seeing this Wisteria in bloom.
Blue Lupine on canvas
Blue Lupine by Joanne McKinnon
Newly added canvas print. It is also the perfect size for a greeting card, which is available from the same link.
Lupine's are perfect to start directly in the garden.
Digital Painting in Photoshop
Postcard to Germany
I posted one of own photos on a postcard to Germany yesterday. The Postcrossing member wanted something typical of my environment. This beautiful white pine grows behind my house. Soon I will have it on Canvas
National Audubon Society Guide to Landscape Photography
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Rose index menu
Kenrokuen garden
Received this lovely postcard from Evita in Japan. I grow lots of Iris' in my own garden, it would be a dream to visit this historical garden.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
New video
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Change in menu
Does having a thumbnail view of the roses help? Does the custom search box help? Did you find what you were looking for?
Home in the top menu takes you back to the rose index. To return to the Joomla site select Garden Photo in the side menu.
Let me know what you think.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Two more postcards
I will be posting more cards tomorrow.
New Static Rose Collection pages
Another advantage is the site search box will cover the whole site instead of only the pages in the Joomla managed part.
The custom Google search boxes are free.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Rose Collection index page
The Rose index is now divided by class.
I've lost a few of these roses but most are still growing in my garden.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Static Vs Dynamic websites - what is the difference?
The dynamic website is easy to update but has fewer landing pages. A static site takes longer to update and renovate. Using an editor like Web Design Generator - Artisteer
Found this article interesting, It does a good job of explaining the differences.
Static Vs Dynamic websites - what's the difference?
Posted using ShareThis
Advanced Web Metrics with Google Analytics
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Dr Huey
Dr Huey is now on Notecards. There is a description on the back but you can easily add text on the cover or inside. You can turn this into a birthday card or thank you notes.
I also have it on Postcards. The card I sent to Lithuania was registered yesterday and today I'm posting a card to Michigan.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Site Journal
Finally changed the title of the Journal. made it look out of place.
Also added new links in the site top menu.
The Postcrossing Album is for showing the postcards I've received so far and from where.
You can also see them on the map.
I only joined Postcrossing a few weeks ago so I don't have that many yet.
I will be mailing another one tomorrow or Wednesday.
Due to copyrights, I can no longer publish postcards covers.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Earth Album
You will find lots of great HDR photos from all over the world. They also include some descriptions of where or/and how the photo was taken.
They even have an iPhone, YouTube and Cooliris editions. Well worth a visit.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Ensata Iris
With the reticulata irises in bloom, I'm already looking forward to the other varieties that will follow. The ensatas are the last to bloom but well worth the wait.
When I purchased this iris, years ago, it was labeled Light at Dawn. It appears that another shade is sold under that name now. Which is right? Hard to say. Trade names are not registered, so not protected. I hope this will change in the future.
Until I find an official list, mine will remain a Light at Dawn.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Postcard to Finland
Today I am posting this card to Finland. I took this photo in the spring of 2008. His fur had started to change. I do have more photos of him in his summer coat. They will be added soon.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Prints section
The Prints page is now updated. Now you see a preview instead of a text link. Then you just need to change the wall colour and frame it to get an idea how it would look on your wall.
I had the pleasure of seeing a print of the Woodpecker in a frame that matched the collector's decor and I felt very proud.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
by evita1020
Received one more postcard today, this time Evita in Japan. She has very lovely albums of the postcards she received. Since I'm in Canada myself, I chose a link to the album of postcards from Canada.
Clouds over lake
Preparing my next order of postcards from Zazzle. Most members on Postcrossing asks for cards with scenes typical to your part of the world. I shot this photo two years ago at a lake near my home.
This fall scene will also be on Notecards
Tools used: Photoshop and Topaz Details
Adobe Photoshop CS4 How-Tos: 100 Essential Techniques
Monday, March 15, 2010
The Woodpecker
Previously the Woodpecker was only available from Imagekind With Zazzle I have the added option of offering the same image on postcards and note cards.
If you are unfamiliar with the printing options offered by Zazzle I recommend a visit to their Poster and Prints descriptions page There you will find information on the paper and canvas offered that can fit your budget. Plus they have a wide selection of frames and matting found in the customize it section.
The beauty of Zazzle is that they make a version of art for every budget.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Changes to Garden Photo site
Not all prints will be included only those that are not featured on the site as a garden plant. For them you'll find a link in the details page of each individual plant.
Grey wild turkey
For the past few years, my feeders are visited by wild turkeys for most of winter and early spring.
This year, for the first time, the flock includes a few gray females.
The photo was enhanced to bring out the most details.
Tools used: Photoshop CS4 and Topaz Labs
See more wild turkey photos
Adobe Photoshop CS4 Classroom in a Book
Friday, March 12, 2010
Great photo site
Blue Jay Notecard
I am now adding more of my digital work on notecards and postcards. Yesterday I received my latest shipment of postcards and they look great.
The new notecards have information printed on the back. Just use the zoom feature in the Zazzle gallery for a closer look. Use the customize option to add text and see how easy it is to create your own card.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Tussock moth postcard
After receiving a few cards and messages from other members, I now want all kinds of postcards to send.
I don't have to order 25 of the same card.
I can mix and match my selection. I'm sending one more today.
The Zazzle store has been closed.
Postcards are no longer available.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Art & Design on Postcards
Posted using ShareThis
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Two more postcards
Postcard pages
So I decided to change the code to CSS. The pages look basically the same but now contain more keywords and that will make them easier to find.
The Postcards section is now divided in 3 pages.
Reference: CSS, DHTML, and Ajax, Fourth Edition: Visual QuickStart Guide
Friday, March 5, 2010
Nature Album
Photographing Nature: A photo workshop from Brooks Institute's top nature photography instructor
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Beautiful New Roses for 2010
Beautiful New Roses for 2010
First Postcard
The two first cards I sent don't appear to have been received. One was to Netherlands and the other in Russia. I did get a visitor to my Garden Photo site that translated the page to Russian.
Two were sent to Germany. The card to Munich arrived in 6 days. Today I am mailing my 5th card to Georgia, USA. I've already ordered more Postcards from Zazzle
Now in the description part of the Postcards, I will include what country the card was sent to.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Source updates
Links are being checked and some photos will be changed. I'll keep you posted.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Mothersday Poyantha rose
The colour came out very well, for a red. The shot was taken in late afternoon. The sun doesn't cover this part of the garden in early morning. I did use the new Topaz Details to bring out the blooms best features.
There are twenty pages now in the Rose Collection.
Botanica roses
Monday, March 1, 2010
Postcard page update
The Zazzle Store builder is flexible. You can narrow the width to fit the content block and change the size of the cells. Other options include adding or removing title, description and price. The comments are a big help too.
The Postcards page now includes better navigation and updates. I'll be using the same template for the Notecards page