Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Hairy Woodpecker

Uploaded another image on Imgakind

Yesterday, I was shooting landscapes and noticed the woodpecker in a tree near the feeding station. They're so use to my presence that when I fill the feeders or add suet, they just wait close by for me to be done.

It was getting very cold and I took a few quick shots but didn't expect much. One turned out to be a perfect candidate for Topaz Clean2 and that made it worth staying in the cold a little longer.

Adobe Photoshop Elements 8

Monday, December 28, 2009

Bonica Mouse pad

Regular photos don't come out as good on mouse pads. Using Topaz Simplify I was able to produce an image that blends better.

This type of enhancement also works for images you want to print on canvas

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Pine Tree Template


Just installed a basic template. No Joomla, no Worpress and no Blogger.

The template was generated with Web Design Generator - Artisteer
Content added with Notepad++
Uploaded with Core FTP Lite

Checked with W3C and it validates for CSS Level 2.1.

This Portal will serve as a central for all of the sites I manage.The feed is from this blog.

Next will be the Gen Blog  

Update: There has been lots of changes since this post.
I no longer use Artisteer to generate my themes.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Cardinal Template 2

An updated version of the Cardinal template is now installed on the Garden Image site. The text is darker, the background lighter and the links the right colour. Plus, the images can stay the same size.

Also changed the feed. Using a Joomla Jumbox, I tested the feed module and decided to go with that.

The site will continue to improve. Reading Letting Go of the Words: Writing Web Content that Works is a great help. It should be required reading.

Double Jewel template

Changed template for the garden journal This time the heading is a Double Jewel hardy geranium bloom. The links on the Cardinal template were to difficult to see. I tried updating that template but so far haven't figured out how. Whenever I try, I get a message that the template can't be uploaded again. I'll keep trying, I like that template, a lot.

The template for the Garden site is ready. I just need to double check to make sure I didn't forget anything this time.

I may, with time and more experience, offer templates with my images as headers.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

New Template

For months I've tried to find some way to create matching templates for my Joomla managed sites and blogs. Even took a shot at designing from scratch. It can be done, but it takes a lot of time coming up with a style and then coding it ip.

I spotted ads for Artisteer on a few sites and mostly ignored it. I've tried lots of editors before and never liked the end results. But this is different. With Artisteer you can generate templates for Blogger, Joomla, Wordpress, Drupal and others. You can change the colour schemes, the heading, sizes, etc... In other words, its very flexible. I created this template using Artisteer Standard Edition.
But you don't have to take my word for it. Download the trial version and see for yourself.

#1 Automated Web Design Software for Blogs, CMS and Portals. Generate templates for Wordpress, Joomla and Drupal.

P.S: I am no longer using Joomla.
The Encyclopedia is now static and the journal and blog Wordpress.
See links in menu.